This is my story
This second article explains how the prosecutor rejected the charges as tenuous. The LGBT movement appealed and, most incredibly, their appeal was accepted.
First complaint filed by the Gay Pride Committee of Turin and the Municipality of Turin in the person of its mayor, Ms. Chiara Appendino.
The complaint filed by Ms. Appendino was (luckily) rejected by the judiciary authorities.
To the best of my knowledge and belief, I am absolutely certain that the so-called homosexuality, which is an absolutely incorrect term, is something that has nothing to do with the structure of an individual; it is a behavior, a particularly dysfunctional behavior and a losing one in terms of biology, for the passive homosexual male, the so-called “bottom”. George Orwell wrote: In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act. Universal deceit number one: the (so-called) homosexuality is a normal thing. This claim was made by APA, the American Psychiatric Association, during an absolutely irregular voting session. In reality, the majority of American psychiatrics did not take part to the voting and was absolutely against this statement. Moreover, a psychiatric is not aware of the anal injuries connected to penetration and does not study sexually transmitted diseases, dramatically more frequent and possible with anal penetration and hence he cannot analyze and evaluate all relevant pathologies. Homosexuality, and above all the male, passive one, is a biologically dysfunctional and losing behavior, cause of morbidity and mortality at a definitely higher rate compared to the rest of the population. In biology there is a rule: a behavior is normal if when applied to all the components of a species, permits the survival of both the individuals and the species. In biology sexuality is the mean to create the following generation, with the union of male and female gametes. Sexuality creates life and not a disease. Erotic practices between two individuals of the same sex and in particular between two males, do not create life but pain and disease in one of the two. The so-called passive omosexual individual, known as “bottom”, allows other male individuals to penetrate him. Penetration causes pain and damage to the anus-rectal mucosa and to the fibers of the internal anal sphincter (in biology, where there is pain there is damage). As also the gay website explain, penetration causes a very strong pain accompanied by a feeling of submission. It is indeed always an act of violence, even when there is consent (this statement of mine has been considered defamation). Again, gay websites explain that in order to endure the pain, it is advisable to use an anesthetic gel, take a mix of antipain and muscle relaxant drugs or to inhale “popper”, i.e. butyl nitrite and amyl nitrite. This mix of pain and submission is the reason why sodomization is used in the initiation of many sects (this statement of mine has been considered defamation), as several patients of mine have reported to me and as can be verified in lots of documents easily found by searching the words satanism and sodomization in Google. To be a “bottom” is a biologically losing behavior and an anthropologically undesirable one. The risk of infection is multiplied by twenty, there are all the proctological injuries. These individuals experiment an inversion of the sense of pleasure and the sense of pain, as it occurs, for instance, in those individuals who practice horizontal cuts on their arms or in those who want to be tortured. Some data on the higher rate of diseases are detailed in Appendix A. Universal deceit number two: the (so-called) homosexuality is a congenital situation in a person, something innate and unchangeable. Homosexuality is a behavior that a person choses: a choice that later becomes forced and compulsory but can be always abandoned, as witnessed by many patients of mine and as is well described in the beautiful books by Luca di Tolve, Joseph Sciambra, Richard Cohen. If the statement “homosexuality is innate and unchangeable” is true, then the behavior of the Church that condemns it would be cruel. I myself was certain of this immutability. It was in the years of my atheism. The thesis that homosexuality is to be considered normal, sounded nonsense to me, given the very high rates of morbidity and mortality. However, I had accepted the irrational idea that it was congenital and unsolvable and that it was right not to burden with disapproval, a situation that was already burdened with many pains. The so-called homosexuality is a behavior that can be taken on, that very easily and quickly becomes a forced behavior and that can be changed.
The statements for which I have been reported, are all true. If it is established that homosexuality is not a disorder of nature, then pedophilia can be the same too: once the link between sexuality and reproduction is broken, once the sacred character of sexuality is removed, once it becomes a toy, then pedophilia becomes acceptable. The LGBT movement opposes the freedom of opinion: the statement that a man who spends all his life renouncing to sexuality (that between a man and a woman) and allows other men to use the last portion of his digestive tract causing pain and disease, should be considered healthy and normal, is contrary to the reality principle. False statements must be protected from any criticism. There is an ambiguous relationship with pedophilia, in part of the LGBT movement. The LGBT movement was merged with the pedophile movement during the first years of its history
Anal penetration involves that people come into contact with the faeces: the contact with faecal material brings about infection with bacteria and viruses through orofecal transmission. There are peaks of hepatitis A after the Gay Pride meetings. It is absolutely necessary that those who practice anal sex take the habit of washing their hands with disinfectant or they may become a vehicle for orofecal infections for the entire population. I have been reported also for this statement. The gay websites, the sites of associations that in Italy are supported with public money as being “cultural associations that oppose homophobia”, describe practices such as the gerbilling, i.e. the introduction of live animals in the anorectal cavity (from the previous version of the “Il cassero salute” website), or erotic games (?!) with the feces, such as the scatting (
The second complaint for defamation comes from the “Circolo Mario Mieli” (Mario Mieli club) of Rome. The club is funded by the Italian state through the UNAR (Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazioni Razziali – National Office against Racial Discrimination). The articles talk about Mario Mieli. I quote here his statements: “We, revolutionary queens, know how to see in a child the potentially free human being. We can well love children. We can desire them, erotically, meeting their desire for Eros, we can welcome, arms open, the inebriating sensuality that comes from them, we can make love to them”.
I quote a sentence taken from the Mario Mieli website. Another great breakage of sense is the recognition of a child’s indistinct, joyous and vital sexuality. According to Mieli, a child is the purest expression of the deep trans-sexuality each individual aims at. A child is the most free sexual being, until his/her desire is regimented in the heterosexual Standard that inhibits the infinite potential of Eros. Both Mario Mieli in his text and the activists of the circle named after him, say that pedophilia, the erotic desire for a child, the desire for him/her and having relationships with him/her, are good and right and that preventing a child these relationships means to “Educastrarlo” an invented word that combines educating and castrating. The Standard set by the family that wishes for its children to live safe from the imposition of a monstrous sexuality, must be fought.
I have highlighted in these writings a clear, undoubted pedophile ideology and I have been reported.
Another attack from the LGBT movement is against my books: publishers have been dissuaded from publishing them, librarians do not buy them, booksellers do not sell them.
An LGBT team constantly checks my page on Wikipedia day and night, the one in Italian as well as the English one, so that it cannot be changed.
I am under judicial attack. The costs are enormous. I need help. I am your voice. Help me
The so-called homosexuality is not an identity, but a behavior; a behavior, free at the beginning, that becomes an addiction much harder to get rid of the longer it went on.
To exit homosexuality is difficult, always, but never impossible.
Homosexuality, in particular the passive male one, is a biological losing behavior, burden by a higher morbidity and mortality, together with a higher consumption of psychotropic medicaments, alcohol and drugs with respect to the rest of population.
Disapproving a homosexual behavior is Christianly correct, as this disapproval can be the hint to help getting out from a dysfunctional behavior. “I love you, I disapprove what you do and I tell you this, even with harsh terms, as I know you have the potential to abandon this behavior, and after you have abandoned it you will live in balance and serenity.”
To abandon a homosexual behavior is difficult. It becomes really easier where there is the hint of Faith, as in the beautiful experiences by Joseph Sciambra, Richard Cohen and Luca di Tolve. I need help.